My philosophy on luck is probably a little bit different than most. In many ways, I equate luck with gratitude. It’s sort of a cup half empty versus cup half full scenario. You can choose to see the good in any situation and you can choose to appreciate that part of it. Or you can choose to disregard the good, focusing on the bad instead. Those who have a tendency to focus on the bad often see themselves as unlucky.
It is sometimes said that luck favors the bold. In some ways, you could say this is true. Opportunity is a form of luck. It takes courage to grab hold of an opportunity. Not all opportunities pan out which can lead a person to be fearful. There have been many opportunities in my life and I feel lucky to have tried for them. I even feel lucky for my failures for I have learned from them. Opportunity has enabled my family to live abroad. It took a bit of courage to sell our home and shed our worldly possessions for an Expat lifestyle. A decade later, I have no regrets and feel thankful for the life we live.
Luck is a relative term. To be lucky is a point of view. It’s a mindset. A habit. We all fall into the pit of feeling unlucky from time to time. It’s whether or not we choose to remain there or to find gratitude for our experiences and opportunities that defines how lucky we truly are.
What are your thoughts on luck? Share them in the comments below.

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