by Christy Strickler | Mar 26, 2014 | Articles, Color Formulas, In My Camera Bag, Resources, Seasons and Holidays, Spring Inspiration in Bloom |
Every so often, I like to challenge myself to capture a specific subject or type of photo. For the past few months, that particular subject has been butterflies. I have made observations about the plants they frequent and some of the different types of butterflies in...
by Christy Strickler | Mar 5, 2014 | Around the Lab, Articles, In My Camera Bag |
Article Updated: October 24th, 2016; My Photo workflow has not changed but some of me gear has. I take a lot of photos. In fact, I take photos pretty much every day. It’s easy for the amount of photos to become overwhelming. It took me a few years to really get...
by Christy Strickler | Jan 30, 2014 | Articles, In My Camera Bag |
Sitting down and evaluating a project or skill you have can be a good thing. I’m not talking about bashing your work. I’m talking about giving yourself some honest constructive criticism. Over the past six months or so, I have been taking a hard look at...
by Christy Strickler | Oct 19, 2013 | Articles, In My Camera Bag |
It’s autumn which means we forego swimming in the pool for long walks around the island. Birds are very prevalent here. In fact, many tourist pay to take bird watching tours. I guess that makes sense given that the guides know just where to look for local...
by Christy Strickler | Sep 23, 2013 | In My Camera Bag |
It’s been a long time since I shot real film. I switched over to a digital camera about a month after my son was born. I loved the ease of the digital camera and how I didn’t have to worry about processing costs. We were, after all, a young family on a...