by Christy Strickler | Apr 17, 2014 | Articles, Color Formulas, Resources |
When I was a kid, the appearance of Marshmellow Peeps at our local grocery store was one of the heralds that Easter was coming. I must admit, that the excitement of Easter has paled a bit for me, especially now that my son is older. It took the sight of some...
by Christy Strickler | Apr 6, 2014 | Articles, Color Formulas, Resources, The Color Palette Process |
Documenting the everyday is something many memory keepers do. As we do so, we define what everyday means. It’s different for everyone and it changes. Kids grow older. Routines change. It’s nice to take a look back at the way things were. It’s...
by Christy Strickler | Mar 26, 2014 | Articles, Color Formulas, In My Camera Bag, Resources, Seasons and Holidays, Spring Inspiration in Bloom |
Every so often, I like to challenge myself to capture a specific subject or type of photo. For the past few months, that particular subject has been butterflies. I have made observations about the plants they frequent and some of the different types of butterflies in...
by Christy Strickler | Feb 25, 2014 | Articles, Color Formulas, Resources |
Once upon a time, my family owned a small chain of donut shops. I have fond memories of hanging out in the back room with my grandfather. I have been thinking about it a lot recently, especially since a friend of mine got herself a donut baking pan. We...
by Christy Strickler | Feb 14, 2014 | Articles, Be My Valentine, Color Formulas, Resources, Seasons and Holidays |
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful day with friends and loved ones. After all, it’s not about getting flowers or chocolates. It’s a day to appreciate someone just for being there for you. Today, I am sharing a traditional...
by Christy Strickler | Feb 2, 2014 | Articles, Color Formulas, Resources |
Each and every month, I get the Antiquarian kit from JBS Mercantile. I’t s good way for me to expand my collection of Vintage Ephemera with very little effort on my part. I have never been lucky enough to find much in the way of vintage goodies when I am at a...