It’s time for the next ingredient! If you are just finding out about this art collaboration, head over here to find ingredient one.
Coming into this week, I find that I am a bit nervous about the page. Making mixed media pages is a blend of controlled techniques with a bit of creative experimentation mixed in. If this were any other page, I would have accommodated my error long ago but since this is a collaboration, I must play by the rules. I still can’t stop myself from staring at the big bold ink mistake on my character’s face though. The collaboration is ending soon and I am afraid that the piece is just going to end up being a mess. Thankfully, our ingredient this week calls for us to cover something up. Take one guess what I chose to cover.

Since the ink, I used to badly outline the facial features is black, I opted to use a greyish paint blend to cover the shape of the face. I don’t want to get rid of the face altogether. I am hoping I can save it. The greyish-white paint is thin enough that I can see my drawing beneath. I am planning for the paint to be a sort of primer in the hopes the next ingredient will allow me to fix my mistake. This is so far, the riskiest choice I have made. All of my previous choices were relatively safe ones.What if the next ingredient asks me to do something which has nothing to do with the face itself? It could be anything such as add splatters to the page, for example. I have to hope I can still salvage the page.
One more week to go before the final ingredient. Will I save the page? Or will it become collage fodder scrap? Tune in next week to find out. Meanwhile, pop over to Tina’s Instagram account to see what she chose to cover on her piece.