It’s time for the next ingredient! If you are just finding out about this art collaboration, head over here to find ingredient one.
At this point, I was finding the Cooking with Tina art collaboration to be both easy and difficult. It was easy because it didn’t require a lot of my time. However, it was hard because sometimes I wanted to keep working and I had the time to do so. Cooking with Tina Ingredient #4 was much anticipated. We were asked to doodle on our pages.

Doodling is a technique that can come easy for me. At least, it is easy if I keep it simple. Circles are sort of my go-to shape. I often keep my art journal open beside me while I play video games. During loading screens, I will doodle circles of various sizes all over the page. The circles might become background or they can be used to highlight or pop up a particular area. For this project, I kept the circle confines to the shape clusters on both sides of the page. They help make the clusters feel more full and add in another layer. Also, keeping the doodle circles loosely attached to the clusters helped maintain the diagonal flow of the page.
Once again, since I didn’t know the direction the project would take with each step, I wanted to be a little conservative with my choices. Looking at the photo, you probably wouldn’t think conservative but that’s exactly how I was creating this page. Will it get more wild? Stay tuned to find out when the next ingredient is posted! Meanwhile,you can see what Tina did for this ingredient over on Instagram.