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When you are in a rut, it sometimes helps to watch someone else create. Enter the scrapbook process video. It’s something we are all familiar with and if you have stopped by my You Tube channel, you know I have made them before. Most of the videos on my channel are posted with a specific technique,tip or supplies in mind. Some videos( like the one I am sharing today) are about the full and complete process with the main focus being a completed page. In this particular video, I am sharing a layout I made for Simple Scrapper. My goal was to use both sides of a double side piece of patterned paper. I also wanted to tell the story of how a friendship grew between our new kitten and one of my older cats( I especially love the photo in which they are napping and her paw is gently touching him). To tell that story, I mindfully chose my supplies and set to work.

What to look for in this scrapbook process video:

In the video, you’ll see the physical process of how I created the page. However, sometimes, after I record, I realize there are points I may have missed, especially as they pertain to the story. In this case, I neglected to sufficiently talk about the chosen supplies and their role in the storytelling process. As you watch the video and as you look over the completed layout, consider how the following support the photos and the story:

  • Use of Motif/Pattern: I chose supplies with hearts, rulers, and a clock.Hearts are an easy “given” when it comes to stories of love or friendship. The rulers imply a sense of measurement and the clock signifies time.
  • Use of Texture: Wood grain is a texture with a warm cozy feeling. It also gives a sense of solidarity. It’s present in the wood veneer tape, the tag, the photo corners and as a print within the heart on the 3×4 card. Some of the letters in the title have a bright, shiny, smooth texture. This lends a feeling of newness to the page.
  • Use of Color: The colors are soft and muted which hints at newness( think new baby/new kitten and nursery colors). The soft tones are also fit the nap time photos.These are pastelish colors ( yes I made that word up). Ok, some are full on pastel, but not all. I far prefer brights or jewel tones over pastels. Using pastels alongside muted tones of colors ( like the navy and the green) I typically like working with makes it easier for me to use them in larger quantities. Usually, I use pastels as accent colors within embellishments. Even the brown is sort of a muted neutral. If you need a muted brown, always go for kraft.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              There is bright color on the page. It’s the unexpected pop of bright turquoise in the title. I mentioned the texture of those letters above. Pair texture with color to further enhance the supporting role of a particular supply on the page. The color and the texture support the idea that this is a new relationship. The turquoise works because there is a muted shade of the color in the patterned paper( on a  ruler and in the hearts).

As you can tell, I put a lot of thought into the choices I make when selecting supplies for a scrapbook layout. It sounds complex, but the more you do this, the more easy it becomes. It is now second nature for me and I can’t not do it when I create.

Love Takes Time to Grow by Christy Strickler |Supplies Patterned Paper,Die Cuts: We R Memory Keepers; Letters: American Crafts, Evalicious, We R Memory Keepers; Tape: Studio Calico; Pocket Card: Cocoa Daisy; This layout was inspired by a sketch from the Simple Scrapper Premium Membership. Proud Member of the Simple Scrapper Creative Team
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