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Sometimes you have to find a creative work around. Prompt two of the Stencilfied Journal project had me stumped for a few days until I came up with a solution. The prompt calls for you to stencil on a journal page, rip it out and place it outside. Living in a high rise building in the city means my access to outside is limited and very public. So what was I going to do? I would place my art journal page in a spot that was sort of outside. You get to see just how I did that in this quick video.
The video focuses primarily on how I chose to weather my art journal page rather than on the stenciling process. I had constructed this art journal page over time by painting off excess paint from other projects and adding a few pieces of collaged paper. I chose to use the Stencil Girl® Art Deco Medallion stencil with a gel ink pen. I like the way the black is nice and crisp against the background.

Hanging my page in the window was a good solution for living in a high rise apartment. I am curious to see just how much the sun might fade the design and whether or not, by using the envelope, I can retain the brightness of the artwork on half of the page. Only time will tell. If this works, I might have just found something new to add to my repertoire of techniques.

Be sure to stop by Tina’s blog to see her take on the prompt.To see more projects and inspiration search for #thestencilfied journal. If you would like to play along with prompt 2, leave a link to your finished project in the comments below.
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