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Every so often, I like to challenge myself to capture a specific subject or type of photo. For the past few months, that particular subject has been butterflies. I have made observations about the plants they frequent and some of the different types of butterflies in my area. Unfortunately, none have cooperated very well.

IMG_0329The closest I have come to capturing one of these elusive creatures is this photo. My son says the butterflies don’t want to hold still because of predators. It’s evidently important to always be on the move. Really though, I am only asking them to hold still for just a moment. I wish they would comply.





Color Formula 6

So for now, I will have to settle with looking at other people’s fabulous butterfly photos.I decided this particular photo was perfect for a spring color palette. I found it on


How about you? Do you have cooperative butterflies where you live? Have you captured the perfect butterfly photo? You are welcome to share a link in the comments if you have.