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If ever there was a month to try making a layout every single day, February is that month. It’s the shortest month of the year. For me, it’s also relatively clear of big obligations. There are no big holidays and we generally don’t have a whole lot going on as a family. Homeschool is usually on cruise control as we work through the middle of the term. Perhaps, February is quiet for you as well? If so, consider joining me for Layout a Day 215 aka LOAD215.


I have attempted several LOAD challenges over the past few years. Some have been completed successfully. Other times, I made it partway but didn’t finish. I don’t take on a layout a day challenge for attention or for a prize. For me, it’s a personal desire to see whether or not I can complete a page a day. I also feel very satisfied over the use of my supplies. LOAD challenges are a great way to stash bust. Having to work on a page a day means I really get to assess how well my creative space is working for me. A successful LOAD challenge means I have created layouts and had a chance to observe my process.


LOAD215 1000x500Each year, LOAD features a theme. This February, the theme is ” Once Upon a Time: Celebrating the Stories and Books of Our Youth.” There are lots of stories to tell here and I am looking forward to seeing how each day’s prompt inspires me.


While I don’t always follow it to a T, I do take the prompts to heart. In some cases, I combine prompts over a few days. This allows me to mull things over. Meanwhile, I still manage to create a quick layout each day. In the end, my goal is to exercise my creativity while making pages. There are no hard and fast rules to LOAD other than that you create and enjoy the process. Don’t let the idea of making a page a day intimidate you. LOAD teaches you to scrap faster and with more confidence.



Additional Resources

Sample layouts and blog posts from LOAD213

Sample layouts and blog posts from LOAD214